Delivery Label
Entity Properties
(int $labelId, array $fields = [])
Retrieve delivery label information.
order | description |
0 | Delivery label internal id |
1 |
Return Value
An object with Delivery Label Properties.
Example Request
"jsonrpc" : 2.0,
"id" : 1234,
"method" : "call",
"params" : [
Example Response
"jsonrpc" : 2.0,
"id" : 1234,
"error" : null,
"result": [
"label_id": "8",
"delivery_id": "26",
"warehouse_id": "1",
"status": "valid",
"shipping_method": "ups_03",
"created_at": "2021-01-20T10:03:55+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-20T10:04:01+00:00",
"packages": [
"warehouse_id": "1",
"label_id": "8",
"carrier": "ups",
"weight": "18.000",
"weight_unit": "lb",
"dimensions": {
"length": "10.000",
"width": "11.000",
"height": "12.000"
"dimension_unit": "in",
"tracking": [
"number": "1Z49R7V89024431506",
"description": "UPS Ground"
"package_items": [
"delivery_item_id": 2,
"sku": "O-VS-Oregano-p3",
"quantity": "4.000"
"delivery_item_id": 3,
"sku": "O-VS-Mint-p2",
"quantity": "4.000"
"delivery_item_id": 5,
"sku": "VS-Bags-p1",
"quantity": "4.000"
"destination_address": {
"region": "New York",
"postcode": "13088",
"lastname": "Marquez",
"street": "4616 Crossroads Park Dr",
"city": "Liverpool",
"email": null,
"telephone": "865-971-4663",
"firstname": "Sherlock",
"company": null,
"classification": "com",
"is_valid": null,
"country": "US"
"origin_address": {
"region": "New York",
"postcode": "10036",
"lastname": "Gates",
"street": "11 Times Square",
"city": "New York",
"email": null,
"telephone": "212.245.2100",
"firstname": "Bill",
"company": "Microsoft",
"classification": null,
"is_valid": null,
"country": "US"
"files": {
"label": {
"type": "pdf",
"data": "base64encoded..."
"auxiliary_label": {
"type": "pdf",
"data": "bas64encoded..."
"customs_documents": null
Error Codes
code | message |
100 | Requested delivery label does not exist. |
(object|null $filters = [], array|null $options = [], array|null $fields = [])
An array of objects. Each object will contain Delivery Label Properties.
order | description |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Return Value
An array of objects. Each object will contain “Delivery Label Properties”.
Example Request
"jsonrpc" : 2.0,
"id" : 1234,
"method" : "call",
"params" : [
{ "label_id": { "eq" : "2" } },
"limit": 100,
"page": 1
Example Response
"jsonrpc" : 2.0,
"id" : 1234,
"result": {
"results": [
"label_id": "2",
"delivery_id": "22",
"warehouse_id": "1",
"status": "valid",
"shipping_method": "ups_03",
"created_at": "2021-01-18T13:57:25+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-18T13:57:29+00:00",
"packages": [
"warehouse_id": "1",
"label_id": "2",
"carrier": "ups",
"weight": "45.000",
"weight_unit": "lb",
"dimensions": {
"length": "10.000",
"width": "11.000",
"height": "12.000"
"dimension_unit": "in",
"tracking": [
"number": "1Z49R7V89024877071",
"description": "UPS Ground"
"package_items": [
"delivery_item_id": "68",
"sku": "O-VS-Oregano-p3",
"quantity": "10.000"
"delivery_item_id": "69",
"sku": "O-VS-Mint-p2",
"quantity": "10.000"
"delivery_item_id": "70",
"sku": "VS-Bags-p1",
"quantity": "10.000"
"destination_address": {
"region": "New York",
"postcode": "13088",
"lastname": "Marquez",
"street": "4616 Crossroads Park Dr",
"city": "Liverpool",
"email": null,
"telephone": "865-971-4663",
"firstname": "Sherlock",
"company": null,
"classification": "com",
"is_valid": null,
"country": "US"
"origin_address": {
"region": "New York",
"postcode": "10036",
"lastname": "Gates",
"street": "11 Times Square",
"city": "New York",
"email": null,
"telephone": "212.245.2100",
"firstname": "Bill",
"company": "Microsoft",
"classification": null,
"is_valid": null,
"country": "US"
"files": {
"label": {
"type": "pdf",
"data": "base64encoded..."
"auxiliary_label": {
"type": "pdf",
"data": "bas64encoded..."
"customs_documents": null
"totalCount": 1,
"numPages": 1
Error Codes
code | message |
101 | Invalid filters given. Details in error message. |
(string $incrementId, object $address, array $packages, object $options)
Create a new delivery label.
order | description |
0 | Delivery # (i.e., the ASN # or RMA # depending on the type) |
1 | Destination Address. See Delivery Label Address Properties. |
2 | Array of delivery label packages. See Delivery Label Package Properties. |
3 | Options. See Delivery Label Options. |
Return Value
An object with Delivery Label Properties.
Example Request
"firstname" : "Bill",
"lastname" : "Gates",
"company" : "Microsoft",
"street" : "11 Times Square",
"city" : "New York",
"region" : "NY",
"postcode" : "10036",
"country" : "US",
"telephone" : "212.245.2100"
"weight": "45.000",
"weight_unit": "lb",
"dimensions": {
"length": "10.000",
"width": "11.000",
"height": "12.000"
"dimension_unit": "in",
"package_items": [
"sku": "O-VS-Oregano-p3",
"quantity": "10.000"
"sku": "O-VS-Mint-p2",
"quantity": "10.000"
"sku": "VS-Bags-p1",
"quantity": "10.000"
Example Response
"jsonrpc" : 2.0,
"id" : 1234,
"error" : null,
"result": [
"label_id": "10",
"delivery_id": "27",
"warehouse_id": "1",
"status": "valid",
"shipping_method": "ups_03",
"created_at": "2021-01-22T13:45:17+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-22T13:45:28+00:00",
"packages": [
"warehouse_id": "1",
"label_id": "10",
"carrier": "ups",
"weight": 45,
"weight_unit": "lb",
"dimensions": {
"length": 10,
"width": 11,
"height": 12
"dimension_unit": "in",
"tracking": [
"number": "1Z49R7V89013598741",
"description": "UPS Ground"
"package_items": [
"delivery_item_id": "81",
"sku": "O-VS-Oregano-p3",
"quantity": 10
"delivery_item_id": "82",
"sku": "O-VS-Mint-p2",
"quantity": 10
"delivery_item_id": "83",
"sku": "VS-Bags-p1",
"quantity": 10
"destination_address": {
"firstname": "Sherlock",
"lastname": "Marquez",
"telephone": "865-971-4663",
"street": "4616 Crossroads Park Dr",
"city": "Liverpool",
"postcode": "13088",
"classification": "com",
"region": "New York",
"country": "US"
"origin_address": {
"firstname": "Bill",
"lastname": "Gates",
"company": "Microsoft",
"street": "11 Times Square",
"city": "New York",
"region": "New York",
"postcode": "10036",
"telephone": "212.245.2100",
"email": null,
"classification": null,
"is_valid": null,
"country": "US"
"files": {
"label": {
"type": "pdf",
"data": "base64encoded..."
"auxiliary_label": {
"type": "pdf",
"data": "bas64encoded..."
"customs_documents": null
Error Codes
code | message |
100 | Requested delivery label does not exist. |
101 | Invalid filters given. Details in error message. |
102 | Invalid data given. Details in error message. |
103 | Cannot void the delivery label. Details in error message. |
104 | An unexpected error occurred while creating the delivery label. |
105 | Requested delivery does not exist. |
(int $labelId)
Void delivery label.
order | description |
0 | Delivery label internal id |
Return Value
if the Delivery Label was voided.
Example Request
"jsonrpc" : 2.0,
"id" : 1234,
"method" : "call",
"params" : [
Example Response
"jsonrpc" : 2.0,
"id" : 1234,
"result": true
Error Codes
code | message |
103 | Cannot void the delivery label. Details in error message. |
Delivery Label Properties
label_id |
The internal delivery label ID.
delivery_id |
The internal delivery ID.
warehouse_id |
The internal warehouse ID.
status |
The "Status" property. Allowed: "valid", "void".
shipping_method |
See the Shipping Methods document for a reference. Is not optional.
created_at |
The "Created At" property in ISO 8601 format.
updated_at |
The "Updated At" property in ISO 8601 format.
packages | Array of delivery label packages. See Delivery Label Package Properties. |
destination_address | Destination Address. See Delivery Label Address Properties. |
origin_address | Origination Address. See Delivery Label Address Properties. |
files | An object with a label type as the key and the file data as the value. Allowed types: "label", "auxiliary_label", "customs_documents". See Delivery Label File Properties. |
Delivery Label Package Properties
warehouse_id |
The ID of the warehouse associated with the package.
label_id |
The internal delivery label ID.
carrier |
Carrier code.
weight |
The weight of the package.
weight_unit |
The unit of measure used for weight . See: Weight Units.
dimensions |
The length , width , and height of the package.
dimension_unit |
The unit of measure used for length , width , and height in dimensions .
See: Length Units.
tracking |
An array of tracking objects.The "number" property contains the tracking number. The "description" property contains the shipping method name. |
package_items |
An array of items contained in the package.
Delivery Label Address Properties
firstname |
The "First Name" property.
lastname |
The "Last Name" property.
company |
The "Company" property.
street |
The street address. Multi-line street addresses will be separated by a newline ("\n") character. Only two address lines are supported.
city |
The "City" property.
region |
The "Region" property.
postcode |
The "Postal Code" property. Pass as a string to prevent leading 0s from being dropped.
country |
The "Country" property.
classification |
The "Classification" property. Allowed: "res" - residential, "com" - commercial, "po" - post office, "mil" - military, "unk" - unknown.
is_valid |
Flag whether address is valid.
telephone |
The "Telephone" property.
The "Email" property.
Delivery Label Options
shipping_method |
See the Shipping Methods document for a reference. Is not optional.
return_service_type |
The "Return Service Type" property. Allowed: "print_or_download", "email_label".
copy_email_to |
The "Copy Email To" property. Comma separated emails. Only applicable to "email_label" Return Service Type.
email_message |
The "Email Notification Message" property. Only applicable to "email_label" Return Service Type.
saturday_pickup |
The "Saturday Pickup" property.
declared_value_service |
The "Declared Value Service" property.
tpb_group_id |
The ID number of a Third Party Billing Account Group. If unset or null , and a default group is configured, the default group will be used. Set to 0 to disable third party billing.
Delivery Label File Properties
type |
The "Type" property. Allowed: "pdf".
data |
Base64 encoded file content.