
Entity Properties

An order is a request from the merchant for an outbound shipment of the merchant’s inventory. Each order is closely tracked through picking and packing all of the way to the time it is placed on the carrier’s truck, even including which pallet the packages were loaded onto. When an order has begun picking it is split (if needed) into “Shipments” based on the most efficient way to meet carrier size and weight limitations. Each “shipment” therefore typically results in only one package although under some circumstances may still require more than one package.

Order States and Statuses

Order received and inventory reserved.
Valid statuses: new, partial_backorder, backordered
Shipments created and assigned to a picking batch.
Valid statuses: processing, partial_backorder
Entire order has been packaged and labeled for shipping.
Valid statuses: complete
Order has been canceled. Valid statuses: canceled
Order is on hold.
Valid statuses: holded, delayed_shipment, unresolved


order.create (string|null $storeCode, object $items, object $address, object $info, object $flags)

Create a new order. This operation will only be successful if the inventory is available and the unique_id is unique (if specified).


0 string|null
Store code. If not specified will default to the configured default store. Merchants with multiple stores may specify which store the order belongs to.
1 object
Order Items. Three possible formats:
{ "product1's_SKU": 1, "product2's_SKU": 3 }
[ { "sku": "product1", "qty": 1 }, { "sku": "product2", "qty": 3 } ]
[ { "sku": "product1", "qty": 1, "unit_declared_value": "20.40", "unit_customs_value": "21.15" }, {...} ]
2 object
Shipping Address (see “Shipping Address Properties”)
3 object
Order Additional Data (see “Order Additional Data”)
4 object
Order Flags (see “Order Flags”)

Order Items Data

Use to specify the SKU of the item being ordered.
Use to specify the Barcode of the item being ordered as an alternative to using a SKU. The fields sku, barcode, and vendor_sku will be evaluated in that order, and the first matching product found will be selected.
Use to specify the Vendor SKU of the item being ordered as an alternative to using a SKU or Barcode. The fields sku, barcode, and vendor_sku will be evaluated in that order, and the first matching product found will be selected. As Vendor SKUs are not unique, if the value matches multiple products then an error will be thrown.
Use to specify the quantity being ordered of a particular item.
If required by your integration you may specify a reference to an external order item id.
Specify a declared unit value. Specifying the unit declared value is preferred over specifying only the entire order declared value so that an accurate amount can be computed for partial fulfillments. If a value is specified for an order item, then "declared_value_service": true will need to be sent in with the $info object section.

Specify the declared unit value currency. Must be a valid ISO 4217 alphabetic code.
Specify a customs unit value. Specifying the unit customs value is preferred over specifying only the entire order customs value so that an accurate amount can be computed for partial fulfillments.

Specify the customs unit value currency. Must be a valid ISO 4217 alphabetic code.
The number of eaches per inner container. Must be a positive whole number. If no BOM is found, individual units will be added.
The number of inner containers, or number of eaches if there are no inner containers, per outer container. Must be a positive whole number. If no BOM is found, individual units will be added.

Order Additional Data

This field is optional and if not specified an auto-incrementing number will be assigned. Uniqueness based on this field is enforced so an error will be given if an order with the same unique_id already exists.

This ‘unique_id’ is the id used for other API calls such as “”.

This field is optional and if not specified will be left blank. Uniqueness based on this field is not enforced (two orders may have the same order_ref value). If specified, this number will appear on packing slips in place of the unique_id.
See the Shipping Methods document for a reference. Is not optional.
If specified will override the configured Packing Slip default greeting. Allowing the addition of a Packing Slip Custom Greeting.
The “Note” adds a status history to the order that only you and the warehouse staff may see. Adding a note will not affect the way the order is picked and packed and is not required.
Values can be none, any, adult, indirect*, or default*.
*Supported by FedEx.
none — No signature requirement.
any — The package(s) will be shipped with the “Direct” signature required (recipient of any age).
adult — The package(s) will be shipped with the Adult Signature Required option (21 years or older).
indirect — The package(s) will be shipped with the indirect signature required (If indirect is not supported by the carrier, this option will fall back to any).
default — May be used to defer to the default based on the carrier service type (If default is not supported by the carrier, this option will fall back to none).
If the signature requirement is not specified it will fall back to default for HazMat orders or none for all others.
Saturday delivery option. If not specified will default to ‘false’.
Reason for export. Values can be sold, not_sold, gift, sample, repair_return, personal_effects. If not specified will default to sold. Only applicable to international orders.
If ‘true’ then the order or the package(s) will be shipped with declared_value_service requested. Only the unit_declared_value must be specified for at least one SKU or declared_value for the order, but not both. If not specified will default to ‘false’.
Needs to be set if "declared_value_service": true and "unit_declared_value" is not set on any individual product SKU being ordered. e.g. "declared_value": "40.50"

The currency of declared_value. Must be a valid ISO 4217 alphabetic code.
Only the unit_customs_value must be specified for at least one SKU or customs_value for the order, but not both. e.g. "customs_value": "30.25"

The currency of customs_value. Must be a valid ISO 4217 alphabetic code.
Request overbox option. If not specified will default to ‘false’.
If specified, sets this order’s backorder policy. Order will use specified policy instead of store’s default policy. Values can be default, all_or_nothing, as_available, or up_to_X. If not specified will default to "default".
all_or_nothing - Accept order but do not ship anything until all items are in stock.
as_available - No limit to number or frequency of additional shipments.
up_to_X shipments - Same as "As Available", but changes to All or Nothing before shipping Xth shipment.
When using up_to_X, “X” represent a positive integer number. Example: { "backorder_policy": "up_to_3" }
If specified, sets this order’s priority. Setting the priority will boost or suppress this order’s priority in relation to other orders for the same products. Valid input are values in the range 0 -100. Lower numbers are higher in priority. If not specified will default to 50.
If specified, the requested ship date will determine if the merchant wishes for the item to be shipped on the same day or not. Whether or not this date becomes the Target Ship Date depends on the merchant’s target ship date cutoff time and the time the order is placed.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Required for the Cheapest On-Time shipping method.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

If specified, the order will be placed in “hold” status until this date and time. May be specified as a date or a date and time. The timezone is assumed to be the global default timezone if not specified. If a time is not specified it is assumed to be 00:00:00 (12:00 am).

Format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

If specified, the order will be placed in “hold” status indefinitely (cannot be used with delayed_ship_date).
The ID number of a Third Party Billing Account Group. If unset or null, and a default group is configured, the default group will be used. Set to 0 to disable third party billing.
Duties Payor. Values can be default, shipper, recipient, third_party. If not specified will default to default. Only applicable to international orders.
The ID number of a Duties Payor Third Party Billing Account Group. Only applicable to third_party duties payor.
Array of packing instructions. See “Packing Instruction”.
Generate Serial Shipping Container Codes option. Array with elements ‘pack’ and/or ‘item’. If not specified will default to an empty array.
Object with Custom Fields. See Order Custom Field.

Order Flags

Values can be true, false, a PHP strtotime string indicating the oldest date to consider. e.g. -3 days.
true — Must be unique across all orders.
false — Uniqueness is not required. (default - current behavior).
-3 days — Must be unique across all orders created for the last three days.
If not specified it will fall back to false.

Return Value

An object with the new order’s Order Properties.

Example Request

Create new order:

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [
                    "sku": "product2",
                    "qty": 5,
                    "order_item_ref": "ref_12356-409821"
                "firstname" : "Davi",
                "lastname" : "Demir",
                "company" : "Demir Enterprises",
                "street1" : "11 Times Square",
                "city" : "New York",
                "region" : "NY",
                "postcode" : "10036",
                "country" : "US",
                "telephone" : "212.245.2100"
                "order_ref" : "12345",
                "shipping_method" : "ups_03",
                "custom_greeting" : "Greeting text here",
                "note" : "Note text here",
                "signature_required" : "none",
                "saturday_delivery" : false,
                "declared_value_service" : false,
                "overbox" : false,
                "delayed_ship_date" : "2022-07-28",
                "duties_payor" : "third_party",
                "duties_tpb_group_id" : "1",
                "custom_fields" : {"colors": [{"id" : 6}]}

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : {
        "order_id" : 117,
        "unique_id" : "100000017",

Error Codes

code message
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
104 An order with the specified ID already exists.
106 Invalid script given. Details in error message.
107 Product does not exist.


order.bulk_create (object $orders)

Create multiple new orders in a single request. This method is significantly faster than submitting orders one at a time. If an error occurs while processing an order, processing will continue with the next order.


0 object
An object with keys providing a reference for each order, which will be used in the response, and values which are an array of arguments as accepted by the order.create endpoint.
    "mykey1": [ /* First order arguments */ ]
    "mykey2": [ /* Second order arguments */ ]
    "mykey3": [ /* Etc */ ]

Return Value

An object with the new order’s Order Properties.

Example Request

Create new orders:

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [
                "mykey1" : [
                            "sku": "product2",
                            "qty": 5,
                            "order_item_ref": "ref_12356-409821"
                        "firstname" : "Davi",
                        "lastname" : "Demir",
                        "company" : "Demir Enterprises",
                        "street1" : "11 Times Square",
                        "city" : "New York",
                        "region" : "NY",
                        "postcode" : "10036",
                        "country" : "US",
                        "telephone" : "212.245.2100"
                        "order_ref" : "12345",
                        "shipping_method" : "ups_03",
                        "custom_greeting" : "Greeting text here",
                        "note" : "Note text here",
                        "signature_required" : "none",
                        "saturday_delivery" : false,
                        "declared_value_service" : false,
                        "overbox" : false,
                        "delayed_ship_date" : "2022-07-28",
                        "duties_payor" : "third_party",
                        "duties_tpb_group_id" : "1",
                        "custom_fields" : {"colors": [{"id" : 6}]}
                "mykey2" : [
                            "sku": "product1",
                            "qty": 5
                        "firstname" : "John",
                        "lastname" : "Smith",
                        "street1" : "220 Pleasant Valley Way",
                        "city" : "West Orange",
                        "region" : "NJ",
                        "postcode" : "07052",
                        "country" : "US",
                        "telephone" : "212.290.3822"
                        "unique_id" : "12345",
                        "shipping_method" : "cheapest_ALL"

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : {
        "mykey1" : {
            "order_id" : 117,
            "unique_id" : "100000017",
            "order_ref" : null,
            "status" : "new"
        "mykey2" : {
            "error" : {
                "code" : -32104,
                "message" : "An order with the specified ID already exists."

Error Codes

The error codes returned for specific orders are the same as those return by the order.create endpoint.

code message
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.


order.edit (string $orderUniqueId, object $address, object $info, object $customFields)

Modify the Shipping Address and/or the Order Additional Data for the existing order.


0 string|null
Order unique ID.
1 object
Shipping Address (see “Address Properties”)
2 object
Order Additional Data (see “Order Additional Data”)
3 object
Order Custom Field Operations (see “Order Custom Field Operations”)

Order Custom Field Operations

An object with an operation name as the key and an object containing the Order Custom Field data for all operations except the remove operation. The remove operation only requires a list of custom field codes.
Allowed operations: set, add, remove, add_option, remove_option.

set - Replace all values.
add - Add new fields to existing, replace old values.
remove - Remove only fields specified.
add_option - Multi-selects only. Add an option without unsetting existing options.
remove_option - Multi-selects only. Remove an option without unsetting other options not listed.

Return Value

An object with the updated order’s Order Properties.

Example Request

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [
                "firstname" : "Davi",
                "lastname" : "Demir"
                "shipping_method" : "ups_03"
                "add" : {
                    "cost_of_goods" : { "amount" : 100 },
                    "colors" : [ { "label" : "Red" } ]

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : {
        "order_id" : 118,
        "unique_id" : "100000309",
        "custom_fields" : {
            "cost_of_goods" : { "amount" : 100 },
            "colors" : [
                    "id" : 12,
                    "label" : "Red"

Error Codes

code message
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
105 The order cannot be edited. (null|object $filters, array $options = [], null|string|object $fields = [])

Retrieve list of orders by filters. Order data can be customized by specifying properties to retrieve.


0 null|object
Filters to apply for the search.
  • null - Retrieve list of all orders.
  • object - Retrieve list of orders using specified “Search Filters”.
1 null|object
Options to apply for the search.
  • null - No options will be applied.
  • object - Apply specified “Search Options”.
2 null|string|object
Specify which fields should be included in the response.
  • null - Retrieve only “order_id”, “unique_id”, and “order_ref” properties.
  • string - The string '*' denotes all properties excluding “shipping_address”, “items”, “shipments”, “tracking_numbers”, “packages”, and “status_history”.
  • object - List of properties to retrieve in addition to “order_id”, “unique_id”, and “order_ref”. List may include ‘*’.


["*", "shipping_address"]

See “Order Properties”.

Return Value

An object containing:

  • results - The matching records as an array of objects. Each object will contain the specified (or default if no fields parameter was given) “Order Properties”.
  • totalCount - The total number of records that match the query - this may be more than the number of records returned.
  • numPages - The number of pages of records with the given page size.

Example Request

Get order status and order items for two order ids:

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [
                "order_id" : {
                    "in" : [

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result": {
        "results" : [
                "order_id" : 114,
                "unique_id" : "100000114",
                "order_ref" : null,
                "status" : "processing",
                "items" : [
                        "sku" : "product2",
                        "name" : "product2",
                        "qty_ordered": "1.0000",
                        "qty_backordered": "0.0000",
                        "qty_canceled": "0.0000",
                        "qty_processing": "0.0000",
                        "qty_shipped": "1.0000",
                        "unit_declared_value": null,
                        "unit_declared_value_currency": "USD",
                        "unit_customs_value": null,
                        "unit_customs_value_currency": "USD",
                        "weight": "5.800000",
                        "row_weight": "5.800000",
                        "package_data": [
                            { "label": "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value": "12345ABC" }
                        "allocation_data": [
                            { "warehouse_id": "2", "qty_allocated": "0.0000" }
                        "order_item_id": "214",
                        "order_item_ref": null,
                        "weight_unit": "lb",
                        "row_weight_unit": "lb"
                        "sku" : "product1",
                        "name" : "product1",
                        "qty_ordered": "1.0000",
                        "qty_backordered": "0.0000",
                        "qty_canceled": "0.0000",
                        "qty_processing": "0.0000",
                        "qty_shipped": "0.0000",
                        "unit_declared_value": null,
                        "unit_declared_value_currency": "USD",
                        "unit_customs_value": null,
                        "unit_customs_value_currency": "USD",
                        "weight": "5.800000",
                        "row_weight": "5.800000",
                        "allocation_data": [
                            { "warehouse_id": "2", "qty_allocated": "1.0000" }
                        "order_item_id": "215",
                        "order_item_ref": null,
                        "weight_unit": "lb",
                        "row_weight_unit": "lb"
                "order_id" : 115,
                "unique_id" : "100000116",
                "order_ref" : null,
                "status" : "backordered",
                "items" : [
                        "sku" : "product1",
                        "name" : "product1",
                        "qty_ordered": "2.0000",
                        "qty_backordered": "0.0000",
                        "qty_canceled": "0.0000",
                        "qty_processing": "0.0000",
                        "qty_shipped": "0.0000",
                        "unit_declared_value": null,
                        "unit_declared_value_currency": "USD",
                        "unit_customs_value": null,
                        "unit_customs_value_currency": "USD",
                        "weight": "5.800000",
                        "row_weight": "11.600000",
                        "allocation_data": [
                            { "warehouse_id": "2", "qty_allocated": "2.0000" }
                        "order_item_id": "230",
                        "order_item_ref": null,
                        "weight_unit": "lb",
                        "row_weight_unit": "lb"
                        "sku" : "product3",
                        "name" : "product3",
                        "qty_ordered": "7.0000",
                        "qty_backordered": "1.0000",
                        "qty_canceled": "0.0000",
                        "qty_processing": "0.0000",
                        "qty_shipped": "0.0000",
                        "unit_declared_value": null,
                        "unit_declared_value_currency": "USD",
                        "unit_customs_value": null,
                        "unit_customs_value_currency": "USD",
                        "weight": "0.200000",
                        "row_weight": "1.400000",
                        "allocation_data": [
                            { "warehouse_id": "1", "qty_allocated": "2.0000" },
                            { "warehouse_id": "2", "qty_allocated": "4.0000" }
                        "order_item_id": "232",
                        "order_item_ref": null,
                        "weight_unit": "lb",
                        "row_weight_unit": "lb"
        "totalCount": 2,
        "numPages": 1
    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234

Error Codes

code message
101 Invalid filters given. Details in error message. (string $orderUniqueId, null|string|object $fields = [])

Retrieve full order information.


0 string
Order unique ID.
1 null|string|object
Specify which fields should be included in the response.
  • null - Retrieve only “order_id”, “unique_id”, and “order_ref” properties.
  • string - The string '*' denotes all properties excluding “shipping_address”, “items”, “shipments”, “tracking_numbers”, “packages”, and “status_history”.
  • object - List of properties to retrieve in addition to “order_id”, “unique_id”, and “order_ref”. List may include ‘*’.


["*", "shipping_address"]

See “Order Properties”.

Return Value

Object which contains the specified (or default if no fields parameter was given) “Order Properties”.

Example Request

Get order information for the specified order:

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : {
        "order_id" : 114,
        "unique_id" : "100000114",
        "order_ref" : null,
        "status" : "picking",
        "items" : [
                "sku" : "product2",
                "name" : "product2",
                "weight" : 12.0000,
                "weight_unit" : "lb",
                "row_weight" : 12.0000,
                "row_weight_unit" : "lb",
                "qty_ordered" : 12.0000,
                "qty_processing" : 1.0000,
                "qty_shipped" : 0.0000,
                "qty_canceled" : 0.0000,
                "qty_backordered" : 11.0000,
                "package_data" : [
                    {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"},
                    {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"}
                "sku" : "product1",
                "name" : "product1",
                "weight" : 1.2300,
                "weight_unit" : "lb",
                "row_weight" : 1.2300,
                "row_weight_unit" : "lb",
                "qty_ordered" : 12.0000,
                "qty_processing" : 1.0000,
                "qty_shipped" : 0.0000,
                "qty_canceled" : 0.0000,
                "qty_backordered" : 11.0000,
                "package_data" : [
                    {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"},
                    {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"}

Error Codes

code message
100 Requested order does not exist.

order.hold (string $orderUniqueId)

Hold an existing order. This operation will only be successful if the order exists and can be holded.


0 string - Order unique ID.

Return Value

true if the order was holded.

Example Request

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : true

Error Codes

code message
100 Requested order does not exist.
103 Order status not changed. Details in error message.

order.unhold (string $orderUniqueId)

Unhold an existing order. This operation will only be successful if the order exists and can be unholded.


0 string - Order unique ID.

Return Value

true if the order was unholded.

Example Request

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : true

Error Codes

code message
100 Requested order does not exist.
103 Order status not changed. Details in error message.


order.cancel (string $uniqueOrderId, array $options, null|string|object $fields = [])

Cancel an existing order. This operation will only be successful if the order exists, and at least one of the cancellation options is permitted for the order’s current status and the store configuration.


0 string
string - Order unique ID
1 object
A list of the following properties, at least one of which must be set to true.
  • backordered_items - If the order has back ordered items, attempt to cancel them. If all items on the order are back ordered, then the entire order will be canceled.
  • unfulfilled_items - If the order has unfulfilled items, attempt to cancel them. If all items on the order are unfulfilled, then the entire order will be canceled. An unfulfilled item is an item that has not yet been added to a shipment for picking, including backordered items.
  • all_items - Attempt to cancel the entire order. If the order state is processing or complete then you will only be able to cancel the order if the store configuration allows it. If any items on the order have been fulfilled, then you must also set cancellation_request to true.
  • cancellation_request - If the all_items option is not available, you can use this option send a cancellation request instead.


         "backordered_items" : true,
         "unfulfilled_items" : false,
         "all_items" : false,
         "cancellation_request" : false
2 null|string|object
Specify which fields should be included in the order object returned in the response.
  • null - Retrieve only “order_id”, “unique_id”, and “order_ref” properties.
  • string - The string '*' denotes all properties excluding “shipping_address”, “items”, “tracking_numbers” and “status_history”.
  • object - List of properties to retrieve in addition to “order_id”, “unique_id”, and “order_ref”. List may include ‘*’.


["*", "shipping_address"]

See “Order Properties”.

Return Value

An object containing the following properties:

bool success
If at least one of the cancellation options was successful, the value will be true
array warnings
An array of warning messages
object order
Contains the specified (or default if no fields parameter was given) “Order Properties”.

Example Request

Attempt to cancel all items on an order:

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [
                "all_items": true
        ["status", "items"]

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : {
        "success": false,
        "warnings": [
            "Order contains fulfilled items, please set the \"cancellation_request\" option to \"true\" and try again"
        "order": {
            "order_id" : 114,
            "unique_id" : "100000114",
            "order_ref" : null,
            "status" : "complete",
            "items" : [
                    "sku" : "product2",
                    "name" : "product2",
                    "weight" : 12.0000,
                    "weight_unit" : "lb",
                    "row_weight" : 12.0000,
                    "row_weight_unit" : "lb",
                    "qty_ordered" : 12.0000,
                    "qty_processing" : 0.0000,
                    "qty_shipped" : 12.0000,
                    "qty_canceled" : 0.0000,
                    "qty_backordered" : 0.0000,
                    "package_data" : [
                        {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"},
                        {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"}
                    "lot_data": [
                        {"lot_number": "83CCC2", "expiration_date": "2021-10-25", "origination_date": "2019-01-23", "qty": "12.0000"}

Error Codes

code message
100 Requested order does not exist.
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
103 Order status not changed. Details in error message.

order.comment (string $orderUniqueId, string $comment)

Add a comment to an order’s history.

This method was added in version 2021.6.


0 string - Order unique ID.
1 string - Comment.

Return Value

true if the comment was added.

Example Request

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [
            "Called customer and confirmed address."

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : true

Error Codes

code message
100 Requested order does not exist.
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
103 Order comment not added. Details in error message.

Entity Properties

Order Properties

order_id The internal order ID.
unique_id The unique id for the order. This will be auto-assigned if not specified by the merchant at order creation time.
This "unique_id" is the ID used for other API calls such as "".
order_ref An optional merchant-supplied reference for the order. Not a unique identifier.
state State
status Valid Order Statuses:
UI LabelCode
Scheduled Holddelayed_shipment
On Holdholded
Invalid Addressinvalid_address
Partial Backorderpartial_backorder
Unable To Processunable_to_process
Unresolved Shipping Methodunresolved
store_code Store Code
store_name Store Name
carrier_code Carrier Code
shipping_method Shipping Description
shipping_description Shipping Description
carrier_changed Flag to identify whether carrier was changed.
is_address_modified Flag to identify whether address was modified.
is_address_modified_auto Flag to identify whether address was modified automatically.
weight Weight
weight_unit The unit of measure used for weight. See: Weight Units.
total_item_count Amount of order items.
remote_ip Remote IP address used to submit the order
submitted_by User-friendly description of method order was submitted.
submitted_by_type Type of source used to submit the order (admin, client or api).
submitted_by_id The ID of the user that submitted the order.
signature_required Flag to identify whether signature is required.
saturday_delivery Flag to identify saturday delivery.
reason_for_export Reason for export. Values can be sold, not_sold, gift, sample, repair_return, personal_effects. If not specified will default to sold. Only applicable to international orders.
overbox Flag to identify overbox.
backorder_policy This order's backorder policy. Order will use specified policy instead of store's default policy. Values can be default, all_or_nothing, as_available, or up_to_X. Default value is default.
all_or_nothing - Accept order but do not ship anything until all items are in stock.
as_available - No limit to number or frequency of additional shipments.
up_to_X shipments - Same as "As Available", but changes to All or Nothing before shipping Xth shipment.
When using up_to_X, "X" represent a positive integer number. Example: { "backorder_policy": "up_to_3" }
priority This order's priority. Setting the priority will boost or suppress this order's priority in relation to other orders for the same products. Valid input are values in the range 0 - 100. The default value is 50. Lower numbers are higher in priority.
estimated_packages Estimated number of packages.
requested_ship_date Date when the order was requested to be shipped.
custom_greeting Custom greeting message if specified during order creation.
declared_value Order declared value. Only the order declared value or order item unit declared value may be specified, but not both.
declared_value_currency Order declared value currency. Must be a valid ISO 4217 alphabetic code.
tpb_group_id The ID number of a Third Party Billing Account Group. If unset or null, and a default group is configured, then the default group will be used. Set to 0 to disable third party billing.
duties_payor Duties Payor. Values can be default, shipper, recipient, third_party. If not specified will default to default. Only applicable to international orders.
duties_tpb_group_id The ID number of a Duties Payor Third Party Billing Account Group. Only applicable to third_party duties payor.
created_at Date and time when the order was created in ISO 8601 format.
updated_at Date and time when the order was updated in ISO 8601 format.
completed_at Date and time when the order was completed in ISO 8601 format.
shipped_at Date and time when the order was completely shipped from the warehouse in ISO 8601 format.
delivered_at Date and time when the order was completely delivered in ISO 8601 format.
shipping_address The shipping address. See "Shipping Address Properties".
items Array of order items. See "Order Item Properties".
shipments Array of shipments. Only the "shipment_id" and the "status" fields are present in the Order API. Use the Shipment API to retrieve full shipment details.
tracking_numbers Array of tracking numbers. See "Tracking Number Properties". This property is deprecated - please use "packages" instead).
packages Array of packages. See "Package Properties".
status_history Array of history statuses. See "Status History".

Packing Instructions

Packing Instructions are presented to the packer in a dialog that must be confirmed. If a file is attached, the file will be printed using the specified printer type the appropriate number of times depending on the “presentation”. The file must be in PDF format, and for best results it is recommended for the paper size to match the printer target type. If the print target is a LABEL printer and the page size is not 4 inches in either dimension, the system will attempt to extract an image from the file or otherwise crop the page which may not always have good results.

{ "note" : "Place Amazon FBA Label in a pouch" }
The "Note" property. This is required.
{ "file_name" : "amazon_fba_3425232.pdf" }
The name to be given to the file attached using the "file_content" or "file_request" properties.
{ "file_content" : "base64-encoded file contents" }
The base64-encoded contents of the file. If specified you must also provide a "file_name".
{ "file_request" : {
  "url": "https://....",
  "auth": ["username...","password..."],
  "headers": {
    "X-Custom-Header": "header value..."
} }
Attach a file using a url instead of file_content. The file will be downloaded using the optional auth and headers if specified. The file_name will be used if specified, but is optional and will otherwise be set using the Content-Disposition header value or the last part of the url.
{ "presentation" : "once_per_order" }
The "Presentation" property. Values can be once_per_order, once_per_shipment, or once_per_package.
{ "print_target" : "LABEL" }
The "Print Target" property. Values can be LABEL, SMALL_LABEL, or LASER.
{ "copies_printed" : "0" }
The "copies_printed" property.
{ "confirmations" : [] }
The instruction confirmations. See "Packing instruction Confirmation Properties".
Single Instruction Example:
"instructions": [
        "note"         : "Place Amazon FBA Label in a pouch"
        "file_name"    : "amazon_fba_3425232.pdf",
        "file_content" : "base64-encoded file contents",
        "presentation" : "once_per_shipment",
        "print_target" : "LABEL",
        "copies_printed" : "1",
        "confirmations" : [
                "confirmed_id" : "1",
                "confirmed_at": "2022-02-08T14:59:38+00:00"
Multiple Instructions example:
"instructions": [
        "note"         : "Place Amazon FBA Label in a pouch",
        "file_name"    : "amazon_fba_3425232.pdf",
        "file_content" : "base64-encoded file contents",
        "presentation" : "once_per_shipment",
        "print_target" : "LABEL",
        "copies_printed" : "1",
        "confirmations" : [
                "confirmed_id" : "1",
                "confirmed_at": "2022-02-08T14:59:38+00:00"
        "note"         : "Place Flier in Package"
        "file_name"    : "flier_3425232.pdf",
        "file_request" : {
            "url": "https://....",
            "auth": ["username...","password..."],
            "headers": {
                "X-Custom-Header": "header value..."
        "presentation" : "once_per_package",
        "print_target" : "LASER",
        "copies_printed" : "1",
        "confirmations" : []
Full order.create Example:
        "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
        "id"      : 1234,
        "method"  : "call",
        "params"  : [
                        "sku": "product2",
                        "qty": 5,
                        "order_item_ref": "ref_12356-409821"
                    "firstname" : "Davi",
                    "lastname"  : "Demir",
                    "company"   : "Demir Enterprises",
                    "street1"   : "11 Times Square",
                    "city"      : "New York",
                    "region"    : "NY",
                    "postcode"  : "10036",
                    "country"   : "US",
                    "telephone"     : "212.245.2100"
                    "order_ref"              : "12345",
                    "shipping_method"        : "ups_03",
                    "custom_greeting"        : "Greeting text here",
                    "note"                   : "Note text here",
                    "signature_required"     : "none",
                    "saturday_delivery"      : false,
                    "declared_value_service" : false,
                    "overbox"                : false,
                    "requested_ship_date"    : "2014-07-28",
                    "instructions"           : [
                            "note"         : "Place Amazon FBA Label in a pouch",
                            "file_name"    : "amazon_fba_3425232.pdf",
                            "file_content" : "base64-encoded file contents",
                            "presentation" : "once_per_shipment",
                            "print_target" : "LABEL"
                            "note"         : "Place extra padding between products and around edges.",
                            "presentation" : "once_per_package"

Order Item Properties

{ "order_item_id" : 524 }
The "Order Item ID" is a unique identifier for the order item.
{ "order_item_ref" : "10" }
The "Order Item Ref" is an optional user-supplied value for the order item.
{ "sku" : "product1" }
The "SKU" property.
{ "name" : "product 1" }
The "Name" property.
{ "weight" : 1.75 }
The "Weight" property.
{ "weight_unit" : "lb" }
The unit of measure used for weight. See: Weight Units.
{ "row_weight" : 3.5 }
Total order item weight.
{ "row_weight_unit" : "lb" }
The unit of measure used for row_weight. See: Weight Units.
{ "qty_ordered" : 3 }
Amount of ordered products.
{ "qty_processing" : 0 }
Amount of processing products.
{ "qty_shipped" : 3 }
Amount of shipped products.
{ "qty_canceled" : 0 }
Amount of canceled products.
{ "qty_backordered" : 11 }
Amount of backordered products.
  {"warehouse_id" : 1, "qty_allocated" : "2.000"},
  {"warehouse_id" : 2, "qty_allocated" : "1.000"}
The allocation quantity for each warehouse.
  {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"},
  {"label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", "value" : "55285368"}
The "Package Data" property.
    {"lot_number": "P7KPKDN212B", "expiration_date": "2020-11-20", "origination_date": "2019-01-23", "qty": "1.0000"}
The "Lot Data" property.

Address Properties

{ "firstname" : "Davi" }
The "First Name" property.
{ "lastname" : "Demir" }
The "Last Name" property.
{ "company" : "Demir Enterprises" }
The "Company" property.
{ "street" : "11 Times Square\nc/o Sophie Wilson" }
The street address. Multi-line street addresses will be separated by a newline ("\n") character. Only two address lines are supported.
{ "city" : "New York" }
The "City" property.
{ "region" : "NY" }
The "Region" property.
{ "postcode" : "10036" }
The "Postal Code" property. Pass as a string to prevent leading 0s from being dropped.
{ "country" : "US" }
The "Country" property.
{ "classification" : "com" }
The "Classification" property. Allowed: "res" - residential, "com" - commercial, "po" - post office, "mil" - military, "unk" - unknown.
{ "is_valid" : 1 }
Flag whether address is valid. If order is created with "1" the address verification will be skipped.
{ "telephone" : "212.245.2100" }
The "Telephone" property.
{ "email" : "" }
The "Email" property.

Package Properties

{ "warehouse_id" : "1" }
The ID of the warehouse associated with the package.
{ "status" : "packed" }
The "Status" property. Allowed values: packing, tracking_required, packed, manifested, shipped, delivered.
{ "shipment_id" : "100000005" }
The "Shipment ID" property. This number may appear on the packing slip as the "Packing Slip #" and is used for the Shipment API calls.
{ "shipment_status" : "packing" }
The "Shipment Status" property. Allowed values: new, picking, picked, packing, packed, shipped, canceled, voided.
{ "carrier" : "ups" }
Carrier code.
{ "manifest_courier_code" : "ups" }
Manifest courier code.
{ "manifest_courier_name" : "UPS" }
Manifest courier name.
{ "timestamp" : "2019-01-14T14:29:31+00:00" }
The date and time when the package was created in ISO 8601 format.
{ "shipped_at" : "2019-01-14T14:29:31+00:00" }
Date and time when the package was shipped from the warehouse in ISO 8601 format.
{ "delivered_at" : "2019-01-14T14:29:31+00:00" }
Date and time when the package was delivered in ISO 8601 format.
{ "weight" : "16.900" }
The weight of the package.
{ "weight_unit" : "lb" }
The unit of measure used for weight. See: Weight Units.
{ "billable_weight" : 20 }
The billable weight of the package.
{ "billable_weight_unit" : "lb" }
The unit of measure used for billable_weight. See: Weight Units.
{ "dimensional_weight_divisor": "139" }
The dimensional weight divisor of the package.
{ "dimensional_weight_divisor_unit": "in^3/lb" }
The dimensional weight divisor unit. See: Dimensional Divisor Units.
{ "dimensional_weight": "12" }
The dimensional weight of the package.
{ "dimensional_weight_unit": "lb" }
The unit of measure used for dimensional_weight. See: Weight Units.
    "dimensions" : {
        "length": "16.000",
        "width": "12.000",
        "height": "8.000"
The length, width, and height of the package.
{ "dimension_unit" : "in" }
The unit of measure used for length, width, and height in dimensions. See: Length Units.
{ "sscc" : "008012349999999997" }
The Serial Shipping Container Code.
        "number" : "1Z49R7V80308849438", 
        "description" : "UPS Ground",
        "track_url": ""
    }, { 
        "number" : "1Z49R7V29475663003", 
        "description" : "UPS Ground",
        "track_url": ""
An array of tracking objects.
The "number" property contains the tracking number.
The "description" property contains the shipping method name.
The "track_url" property will contain a URL to the carrier's tracking page if applicable.
        "order_item_id" : "117",
        "order_item_ref" : "10",
        "sku: "product1",
        "quantity: "2.0000"
    }, {
        "order_item_id" : "118",
        "order_item_ref" : null,
        "sku: "product2",
        "quantity: "2.0000"
An array of order items contained in the package. These items may be different from those in "package_items" if the order was fulfilled using a Bill of Materials.

"order_item_id" is the unqiue identifier for the order item.
"order_item_ref" is an optional user supplied reference for the order item.
"sku" is the order item's SKU.
"quantity" is the quantity of the order item in the package.
        "order_item_id" : "117",
        "sku: "product1",
        "quantity: "2.0000" 
    }, {
        "order_item_id" : "118",
        "sku: "product2",
        "quantity: "2.0000"
An array of items contained in the package. These items may be different from those in "order_items" if the order was fulfilled using a Bill of Materials.

"order_item_id" is the unqiue identifier of the related order item.
"sku" is the package item's SKU.
"quantity" is the quantity of the item in the package.
        "order_item_id: "117", 
        "label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", 
        "value" : "55285368"
    }, {
       "order_item_id: "118", 
       "label" : "Serial Number - 8 Characters", 
       "value" : "55285369"
The "Package Data" property.

Tracking Number Properties

This entity is deprecated, please use Package instead.

{ "shipment" : "100000005" }
The "Shipment ID" property. This number may appear on the packing slip as the "Packing Slip #" and is used for the Shipment API calls.
{ "carrier" : "ups" }
Carrier code.
{ "carrier_name" : "United Parcel Service" }
The carrier name.
{ "description" : "Ground" }
The method description (without the carrier name).
{ "number" : "1Z9999999999999999" }
Tracking number.
{ "date" : "2014-07-30T18:52:30+00:00" }
The date and time when the shipping label was created in ISO 8601 format.
    {"sku" : "product1", "quantity" : 1 },
    {"sku" : "product2", "quantity" : 1 }
SKUs and quantities of the related package items.

Status History

{ "status" : "picked" }
The "Status" property.
{ "comment" : "Shipping address classified as Commercial" }
The "Comment" property.
{ "created_at" : "2014-07-24T18:51:34+00:00" }
The "Created At" property in ISO 8601 format.

Packing instruction Confirmation Properties

{ "confirmed_id" : "1" }
The ID of the instruction confirmation.
{ "confirmed_at" : "2022-02-08T14:59:38+00:00" }
Date and time when the instruction was confirmed in ISO 8601 format.

Order Custom Field

An object with a Custom Field code as the key and the Custom Field data as the value.
The value format depends on the Custom Field input type.

"custom_fields": { ... }

text Maximum number of characters is 1024.
{ "main_sku" : { "value" : "product2" } }
{ "order_details" : { "value" : "Long multiline \n order details \n here." } }
{ "number_of_skus" : { "value" : 5 } }
{ "length_and_girth" : { "value" : 54.25 } }
{ "cost_of_goods" : { "amount" : 105.95 } }
select Select input type data must be an object with label or id key or both.
{ "claim_reason" : { "id" : 13 } }
Preferred. An option is set by id.
{ "claim_reason" : { "label" : "Damaged in shipping" } }
An option is set by label.
{ "claim_reason" : { "id" : 13, "label" : "Damaged in shipping" } }
An option is set by id and label. The id and the label must refer to the same option.
multiselect Multi-select input type data must be an array of objects with label or id key or both.
{ "claim_reasons" : [ { "id" : 13 }, { "id" : 14 } ] }
Preferred. An option is set by id.
{ "claim_reasons" : [ { "label" : "Damaged in shipping" }, { "label" : "Did not fit" } ] }
An option is set by label.
{ "claim_reasons" : [ { "id" : 13, "label" : "Damaged in shipping" }, { "id" : 14, "label" : "Did not fit" } ] }
An option is set by id and label. The id and the label must refer to the same option.
{ "allow_mailer" : { "value" : true } }
date Must be in Y-m-d format.
{ "desired_delivery_date" : { "value" : "2023-01-23" } }
client-user Must be a client user id.
{ "created_by" : { "value" : 5 } }
admin-user Must be an admin user id.
{ "created_by" : { "value" : 7 } }
email Must be a valid email address. Maximum number of characters is 1024.
{ "custom_email" : { "value" : "" } }
url Must be a valid URL. Maximum number of characters is 1024.
{ "documentation_url" : { "value" : "" } }