
Entity Properties

A Third Party Billing Account Group represents a group of third party billing accounts. Each group can have one account per carrier/warehouse combination. Groups can be be assigned to an order using order.options.tpb_group_id.

tpb_group.list ()

Retrieve a list of Third Party Billing Groups. Use the tpb_group_id to instruct an order to be shipped on the appropriate third party billing account within the group.


The method is used without parameters.

Return Value

An array of objects. Each object will contain “Third Party Billing Group Properties”.

Example Request

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "method" : "call",
    "params" : [

Example Response

    "jsonrpc" : 2.0,
    "id" : 1234,
    "error" : null,
    "result" : [
            "tpb_group_id" : 73,
            "label" : "TPB Group A",
            "status" : "active",
            "payment_types" : ["shipping"],
            "pva_id" : null,
            "ioss_id" : null,
            "voec_id" : null
            "tpb_group_id" : 74,
            "label" : "TPB Group B",
            "status" : "pending_approval",
            "payment_types" : ["shipping", "duties_and_taxes"],
            "pva_id" : "GB370241527",
            "ioss_id" : "IM3720000960",
            "voec_id" : "VOEC2036495"

Entity Properties

Third Party Billing Account Group Properties

{ "tpb_group_id" : 71 }
An automatically generated unique identifier for a Third Party Billing Account Group.
{ "name" : "TPB Group A" }
A descriptive name to identify a Third Party Billing Account Group.
{ "status" : "active" }
The status of the group. Possible values: active, inactive, pending_approval
{ "payment_types" : ["shipping"] }
The payment types of the group. Allowed payment types: shipping, duties_and_taxes
{ "pva_id" : "GB370241527" }
The PVA ID of the group.
{ "ioss_id" : "IM3720000960" }
The IOSS ID of the group.
{ "voec_id" : "VOEC2036495" }
The VOEC ID of the group.